CSOT Arthrology Center

Polyclinics and day hospital

CSOT (Course specialized outpatient treatment) - the most effective and economical system of timely diagnosis and proper treatment of rheumatic patients, prevention of disability and reabilitation.

CSOT located on the base of the 1st clinic TMA (building №3, 3rd floor), is under patronage of Faculty Hospital Therapy and TMA, which provides the possibility of holding a consultative and diagnostic services and outpatient specialist care in the modern scientific diagnostic level.

Functional diagram:

  1. Reception
  2. Physiotherapy
  3. The Cabinet of intramanipulation
  4. The Cabinet of manual therapy and IRT
  5. manipulation room
  6. physical therapy and occupational therapy
  7. Massage
  8. Day hospital for 6 beds

The main objectives of the center is:

- Providing advice to patients referred by territorial medical                                                                      

- Care facilities;

- Examination of patients with the use of modern methods of diagnosis;

- The organization of groups of patients for long-term (up to 3 months) treatment;

- Ensuring early detection of patients with rheumatic diseases;

  • To provide guidance and advice to doctors of practical public health.   

In the CSOT has day hospital, for 6 beds.

The center provides treatment and examination of patients with the following diseases:

  • Rheumatic fever
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Deforming osteoarthritis
  • Other chronic diseases of joints rheumatological Profile (gout, Reiter's disease, and others.)
  • Diffuse connective tissue diseases (SLE and systemic vasculitis)

If you suspect a listed disease for diagnosis is carried out:

  • Laboratory diagnosis;
  • Complete blood count with a complete blood cell morphology;
  • LE-cells;
  • Urinalysis;

Urine • uric acid, glucose, and protein;

  • blood enzymes: ALT, AST;
  • bilirubin, cholesterol, β-lipoproteins, phospholipids, urea, creatinine, uric acid, total protein and its fractions, electrolytes, Na, K, Ca;
  • blood hormones: testosterone, cortisol, T3, T4, TSH, ACTH;
  • acute phase indicators: gaptaglabulin, seromucoid, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen;
  • Immunological indicators: immunoglobulin A, M, G, E; rheumatoid factors, antistreptolysin-O antistreptogealuronidaza, antistreptokinaza;
  • Immunoassay tests to determine antibody TORCH infection and markers of hepatitis B, C;
  • ECG;
  • EhoKS;
  • Ultra sound research of internal organs;
  • X-rays of the joints;
  • ultrasound bone densitometer.

Treatment given:

  1. NSAIDs;
  2. Basic preparations;
  3. Corticosteroids;
  4. Chondroprotectors;
  5. Calcium;
  6. Antibiotic therapy;
  7. Metaboliks;
  8. Vitamins;
  9. Physiotherapic treatment;
  10. Hirudotherapy;
  11. Acupuncture; Therapeutic physical training.


Шаджалилов Шоанвар Шомансурович

Шаджалилов Шоанвар Шомансурович


В.в.б. бўлим мудири

Мирахмедова Хилола Тухтасиновна

Мирахмедова Хилола Тухтасиновна


–Тиббиёт фанлари номзоди, доцент

Матчанов Саид Худайбергенович

Матчанов Саид Худайбергенович


Тиббиёт фанлари номзоди, доцент.

Юсупова Гулноза Шавкатовна

Юсупова Гулноза Шавкатовна


Тиббиёт фанлари номзоди, биринчи тоифали шифокор

Камалова Дилбар Кабиловна

Камалова Дилбар Кабиловна


Олий тоифали шифокор

Исакова Эзоза Исаковна

Исакова Эзоза Исаковна


Олий тоифали шифокор

Мадиева Ирода Амануллаевна

Мадиева Ирода Амануллаевна


Олий тоифали шифокор

Самадова Дилобар Усмановна

Самадова Дилобар Усмановна


Олий тоифали шифокор

Исмаилова Зумрад Шерматовна

Исмаилова Зумрад Шерматовна


Олий тоифали шифокор

Исакова Мафтуна Баходировнаг,

Исакова Мафтуна Баходировнаг,


Иккинчи тоифали шифокор