The Cardiac Rehabilitation Department is located on the 4th floor of the 9th building of the Multidisciplinary Clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy. The doctors of the department carry out the treatment of patients with cardiac pathology. High professionalism and attentive attitude to patients are the distinctive features of the department staff. All doctors and nurses of the department have the highest qualification category and work experience from 10 to 25 years.
The main focus of the department is the identification and treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as:
• coronary artery disease;• arterial hypertension of various etiology and severity;• rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias) and heart conduction;• atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral arteries;• hyperlipidemia;• diseases of the valvular apparatus of the heart (congenital and acquired) and pericardium;• cardiomyopathies - ischemic, hypertrophic, dilated;• restoration and normalization of vital body functions and an increase in the compensatory-adaptive reactions of the cardiorespiratory system in new conditions;• restoration of full breathing and improvement of peripheral blood circulation;• prevention of congestive and thromboembolic postoperative complications, timely healing of surgical wounds;• training of the cardiovascular system of the patient's body and its adaptation to gradually increasing physical activity;• development of an individual program of the patient's physical activity for the immediate and long-term postoperative periods, the formation of skills for self-control of the tolerance of physical activity in the process of independent studies;• formation of a positive psychoemotional attitude towards recovery in patients.A stationary stage of rehabilitation is carried out after myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), other types of exacerbation of coronary artery disease, including heart failure, regardless of the cause that caused it. In the department, you can also undergo an examination to identify a predisposition to the development of cardiovascular complications of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.The department directly cooperates with various diagnostic and treatment departments of the clinic, which ensures the implementation of complex diagnostic procedures for patients. Doctors have at their disposal a round-the-clock biochemical laboratory, where they quickly and accurately determine many indicators necessary for making a correct diagnosis, monitoring the patient's condition and the effectiveness of the therapy.New methods of treatment of ischemic heart disease have been mastered and actively applied in accordance with the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology. The complex of treatment of various heart diseases includes methods of physiotherapy exercises (including exercise therapy), physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage.Achievements of science and our experience allow us to achieve a successful solution to our main task - the treatment of patients. A comprehensive examination will give you the opportunity to choose a method of treatment, select and control therapy, and receive recommendations for your lifestyle.The head of the department for medical work is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ilmira Sadullaevna Razikova.The department employs 1 doctor of medical sciences, professor; 1 candidate of medical sciences, assistant; 1 cardiologists.We will be happy to assist you! We wish you health and well-being!
The department closely cooperates with the Department of Nursing Care of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Bypasses in the department are carried out by the head. department, d.m.s. Professor Ilmira Sadullaevna Razikova. The department has an assistant B.Kh. Abdullaeva.The department treats patients with the following diseases of the cardiovascular system:• diagnosis and treatment of acute forms of ischemic heart disease: acute myocardial infarction and various forms of unstable angina pectoris;• diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic forms of ischemic heart disease;• diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias;• diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure;• diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and various forms of arterial hypertension;• diagnosis and treatment of cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, rheumatism, valvular heart disease,• preparatory treatment for cardiac surgery and rehabilitation of operated patients,• diagnosis and treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome;• treatment of cardiac patients with concomitant pathology together with specialists from other departments of the clinic.The department performs functional diagnostics methods, including:• ECG,• daily ECG monitoring,• 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM),• exercise test - bicycle ergometry,• test with physical activity - treadmill test,• EchoS.Patients, according to indications, are carried out:• Doppler ultrasound and duplex scanning of the main and peripheral arteries and veins,• ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, retroperitoneal space,• ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland,• X-ray examinations,• densitometry,• spirometry.• neurophysiological studies (EEG, EchoEG, REG),• endoscopic examinations (EGDFS).Patients undergoing inpatient treatment undergo clinical, biochemical, hormonal and immunoenzymatic blood tests, including determination of blood troponin levels, blood lipid spectrum and blood coagulation system parameters.The department staff have many years of experience in the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction, medication to restore sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation, the selection of antiarrhythmic therapy for complex cardiac arrhythmias, the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure and the selection of antihypertensive therapy at high blood pressure levels. The department works according to the standards of diagnostics and treatment of cardiac patients approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which comply with international requirements.According to indications, patients receive various physiotherapeutic procedures, including mechanical vibrations: ultrasound, phonophoresis and procedures on complex massage and exhaust systems.Professors, associate professors and assistants of the department participate in examinations of patients, consultations and clinical analyzes of rare and difficult-to-diagnose cases, conduct clinical conferences on topical issues of modern medicine.